EGM Minutes 19/07/2017
Colliers EGM
Wednesday July 19th
EK Business Centre
1. Introduction (Coaches and Alan Walsh).
Chris Curle, James Ritchie, Lee Phillips, Derek Milligan and Alan Walsh introduced to the meeting.
James, Lee and Derek were effectively given responsibility for running the club by Graham Hunter after the departure of Ross Hutton and himself. Chris has since gotten involved and has provided valuable support. Alan volunteered to take a key role in looking at the club’s current finances and making projections going forward.
2. Review of last year’s accounts.
Alan presented the current situation with regards to income and expenditure for the club’s bank account over last season.
3. Plan for the session ahead: teams and competition entry.
Based on the current players registered and the availability of coaches within the club, going forward, the club will have the following teams:
Coach Competitions to be entered
U10 & U12 mixed Lee Phillips RDL
U14 boys Derek Milligan RDL and SLBA
U16 boys James Ritchie SLBA and NDL*
U16/18 girls Chris Curle SLBA and NL*
Senior Men** Derek Milligan SLBA
* tbc with Basketball Scotland
** The Senior Men’s team is to include any U18 players from the club to give them an opportunity to train/play
4. Next year’s financial projections.
Alan has built a spreadsheet to help with projections for costs for each team and the club as a whole.
This is based on:
one training session per week for U10/12
two training sessions per week for the U14 and U16 teams
one training session per week for the Senior Men
The projected costs for August to April would be:
£20 per month for U10/12
£30 per month for all other teams
A new bank account will be opened to allow a better overview of the club’s finances as we move forward.
The work of the Fundraising Committee was commended - for the success of the recent Awards Night and the Bag Packing events that have been organised.
The Gadget Doctor was thanked for their willingness to support the club with future kit sponsorship and with the organisation of a Race Night to raise funds for the club.
5. Discussion of membership, voting procedures and election of Club Officers.
For the purpose of the EGM all those present were eligible to vote. The following were proposed and all were passed at the EGM.
The fee structure above.
The appointment of Lee Phillips as Chairperson.
The appointment of James Ritchie as Vice Chairperson.
The appointment of Chris Curle as Club Secretary.
The appointment of Alan Walsh as Treasurer.
The appointment of Derek Milligan as Child Protection Officer.
That there will be a non-playing membership fee of £10 per season for those who wish to support the club and vote in future AGMs.
6. Next steps: constitution, development plan, Management Meetings
The newly elected officers will meet to plan immediate next steps for the season ahead and look to produce a development plan for the club going forward.
6. Continued…
They will also schedule Management Meetings to help ensure opportunities for good communication with club members about the organisation of the club going forward.
7. Open the floor to questions/AOB.
Positions within the club to be considered at the next Management Meeting: Press Officer, Social Media Overview, Merchandising.
The work of the Fundraising Committee will continue and someone from the committee will act as a ‘liaison’ for the Management Meetings.
Arrangements for the Race Night were also discussed.
The way in which the club communicates with members was also discussed. For now, each coach will be responsible for finding the most effective way to communicate with players/parents for their team but this will be looked at as part of the development plan going forward.
Attendance: Elaine and John O’Boyle
James and Danielle Ritchie
Alan and Adam Walsh
Lee and Reggie Phillips
Scott Dennett Ian Young
Chris Curle Derek Milligan
Susan Wright Neil McGarrie